Im contacting you through eBay in regard to the return request you submitted (Request # 5040103521). I reviewed your case and you stated that you received a defective item. I know how this can be a cause of concern for you. I am happy to assist you with this.
We greatly appreciate you doing business with us and we look forward for more successful transactions here in eBay. I also would like to admire you on waiting for the seller to respond and for the patience that you have shown throughout the process until the claim got escalated.
Regarding the case, I will be contacting your seller to ask them to shoulder the return shipping costs. Please wait for an e-mail from them or from us regarding this. We will place the case on hold for 5 days to allow time for the seller to respond and to make arrangements regarding the return of the item. As soon as we hear back from your seller or the hold expires (whichever comes first), we will get in touch with you and provide you with the information that you need.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I hope that the information provided is helpful. You’ll be hearing from us soon with the information you need.
Thank you for choosing eBay and have a good day.