・Now planning to report client by attached excel "0920)contorl matrices Internal Audit AKST 監査実施用最終版022114.xls" file finally.
・Our scope is Blue cells on yellow highlighted sheet, named 「A ガバナンス」「「B. General affairs Legal」「C. HR」」「D. Accounting」「E. Finance」「F. Purchase」「G. 販売物流」「H. 製造開発」「I. Asset management 資産管理」「J. Outsourcing & subcontracting」
・Attached "organization chart" as last sheet on this file.
・Other sheets are answers from AKST beforehand.But this wording are all Japanese language, so Japanese member will translate if you needed or including important point.These contains are outline of questionnaire sections.
・Please prepare working paper by English.
・Some sheets are mixed with Japanese and English, so Japanese member will translate case by case for you.
・We had already requested some documents and received materials.
・Please see attached "<AKST>③Documents request(日本語版).xls”. (Sorry, all Japanese language.)
This is documents are requested to AKST by internal-audit department.
Nara had already received most of these documents.
Please ask Nara if you can’t find required materials.
・Here is how to make "assessment"
r¬=minor deficiency(軽微な不備)
c=significant deficiency(重要な不備)
d=material weakness(重大な不備)
・You can find "Preliminary survey”items on every yellow highlighted sheet.
These are answered from AKST beforehand for each points.
Most of this answers are “N/A”, so planning to check again throughout our survey.
Especially it’s necessary to make interview with related department for our conclusion.
・Date and Time will for interview to each related department will be noticed after confirming with AKST.
・Interview time will be held 1hr per department during afternoon 17 to 18 all day officially.
・Nara and Shirai-san will summarize questionnaire for interview from each members until promised time.
・scheduling below as interview section;
Feb 18 8:30~ ADMIN(Benchamart、永田) (Mr.Tetsuya Nagata)
9:30~ SHE & FACTORY (篠原) (Mr.Yasuhiro Tsubota)
10:30~ MARKETING & SALE (坪田) (Mr.Kenji Shinohara)
・We don’t need to complete documentation until final day, planning to work done until 25 Feb.
Please send me assigned sheet until then, but report me please if some troubles had happened.
If you have any questions, please ask me.