The leaves containing the insects were
placed in Petri dishes measuring 9.0 x 1.3 cm coated
with filter paper and sprayed using a Potter tower
with a pressure of 15 lb in-2 and 6 mL of the solution
for each leaf side (12 mL/repetition), spreading an
average volume of 1.62 mg cm-2 (RONDELLI et al.,
2011). Plates were maintained in a climatic chamber
at 25 ± 1ºC, relative humidity of 70 ± 10% and
photoperiod of 12 h, at the NUDEMAFI. Leaves
were exchanged on the second day and as needed.
Mortality was assessed until the fifth day.
A completely randomized design with five
replicates containing 10 insects in each repetition
was used. The lethal concentration was estimated
according to the Probit analysis using the Polo-PC
program (LEORA SOFTWARE, 1987).