To Start the Viper OP simply double click on the Viper desktop icon (Figure 2-3, Sheet 1).
The Viper OP Main Screen is the first screen that is displayed when the Viper OP is started (unless an interface cable is attached) (Figure 2-3, Sheet 2).
The screen is divided into five areas (Figure 2-4, Sheet 1 through 3).
The first area is in the top left corner and it contains two control buttons: Exit and Help. The second is next to the first and it contains a picture of an F-16.
The third area is in the top right corner and it contains two control buttons: Auto Cable Detect and Self-test.
The fourth area is below the first three.
It contains one or more 'Block' selection buttons.
The last area takes up the lower half of the screen.
It contains one or more 'System' selection buttons.