While earlier studies on siestas have found that this practice may slightly increase the risk of heart attack, newer and more controlled studies have shown an inverse relationship between siesta taking and fatal heart attacks
Why do afternoon naps affect cardiovascular function" One reason could be changes in blood pressure. At night, our blood pressure and heart rate decreases as we sleep. Some researchers hypothesize that the lower blood pressure reduces strain on the heart and decreases the risk of a fatal heart attack.
This reduction in blood pressure may be one explanation for the lower cardiovascular mortality that some studies have found among people who habitually take "siestas" On the other hand, some studies of nocturnal sleep have shown that blood pressure rises when we awake and that more cardiac deaths occur in the mornings
Contrary to a popular belief, there is no reason for healthy elders without sleep problems to avoid afternoon naps. Afternoon naps are not affecting sleep quality, neither does sleep quality affects the likelihood of napping. Afternoon naps energizes them.
Those who nap tend to have a happier day from start to finish. There are studies that show midday power naps( about 20 min) can increase mood and performance, focus and mood..
Napping boosts clarity and decreases the chances of injury. It can cut down on fatigue because of sleep-related sickness and sluggishness, time taken off, mistakes made and productivity slowed.
Studies show that regular breaks from tasks are beneficial and that naps help people process and record information. And just as our circadian rhythm makes us most conducive to slumber at night, the same clock puts us at optimal sleep time in mid-afternoon. When our body temperatures drop ; we're physiologically primed for sleep.
Afternoon nap could be compared to a coffee or lunch break. If an employee chooses to spend that downtime with eyes closed and feet up, that should be supported
But I am suggesting that if you do have a day where you had a bad night's sleep and you're just dog tired, it's probably best to just have a half-an-hour nap. Then for the rest of the day, you'll be able to deliver a higher productivity
A new study has found that expecting an afternoon nap could reduce blood pressure, consequently cutting down the risk of heart attacks
Other benefits of afternoon naps:
Getting yourself out of the hazy afternoon slump
There’s nothing like taking a quick one to restore energy.
Loads of studies linking afternoon power naps with increased productivity, better cognitive function and memory retention, and lower stress levels.
Having trouble recovering from a business trip several time zones away? Napping has been shown to help stave off jet lag.
Finding it difficult to concentrate at work? Perhaps a 20-minute nap will improve your “subjective sleepiness, performance level, and self-confidence
Excelling at your job is about your ability to learn new things and retain memories. What if a sleep-deficit could hamper your ability to learn? What if a quick nap was enough to make up for it?
Afternoon nap is good for the heart
26 minute nap could boost performance by 34%
Afternoon naps would prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, and thus impair alertness and mental performance
The research also shows that afternoon naps is associated with a significantly enhanced risk of developing diabetes. Such studies also suggested that the need to nap during the afternoon is a sign of some form of sleep disturbance that could be increasing diabetes risk. Here again, though, blood sugar imbalance may be playing a part
Daniel McNally, director of the sleep disorders center at the University of Connecticut, agrees that naps can be a helpful tool for bleary-eyed workers. But he maintains the regular practice can be counterproductive. If taken at the wrong time of day, they can throw off a person's sleep schedule and cause them to be dependent on naps.
Most power nappers are sleep-deprived. They use naps to substitute. Naps should be viewed as a second-best alternative to getting a good night's sleep, a poor cousin if you will
According to the New Scientist, the researchers found that kids who take afternoon naps; were going to stay up later in the night. Such kids performed worse on the puzzles.
The study also concluded that kids who took long daytime naps fell asleep at night an average of 39 minutes later, and slept later at the weekend
These kids, reports the Telegraph, found it more difficult to go to bed at night, slept badly and struggled to get up in the morning
It could be that children are getting less sleep at night because they are napping, or it could be that they nap because they are getting less sleep at night