social contribution
• Overview
From the 1990s to the early 200s,HJS’s Corporate Social
Responsibility(CSR) activities focused mainly onproviding research grants
and scholarships, and investing in educational facilities.
The company donated approximately 6% of its ordinary profit from 1993
to 2008 to CSR programs.
In line with the companywide mission outlined in the 2004 mid-to-long term
management strategy (Community & Environmental Contributions) and
Vision 2017 that emphasized corporate responsibility for the environment
and communities, the company reinforced efforts to practice ethical,
transparent and socially responsible management.
Through the voluntary participation of employees, the company promoted
a corporate culture of sharing and diversified social initiatives to include
disaster relief work, community cooperation, charity programs for neighbors
in need, and support for arts and education. In 2004, an employee volunteer group was formed which operates under a matching grant system. Under the scheme, the company matches donations raised by employees. Since 2005, the company has been celebrating its foundation day by organizing social contribution programs like blood drives, participation in Habitat for Humanity projects and hosting of charity bazaars. In 2007, HJS donated funds to Yang Hyun Foundation as part of the matching grant system. The charitable organization was founded in 2006 with a financial contribution by the late Chairman Sooho Cho. It was established to uphold his lifelong commitment to philanthropy that emphasized corporate social responsibility and redistribution of wealth. The foundation supports a wide range of endeavors including shipping and logistics studies, scholarships, and medical programs.In addition, the company took part in Taean oil spill cleanup efforts in December 2007 and offered relief funds for the victims of the Sichuan earthquake in May 2008. HJS also supprted the World Vision program for Third World children and the building of primary schools in Nakyang City, China. In addition to being an active sponsor of modern Korean artists who are making inroads into overseas art scenes, HJS also supports a wide range of global Mecenat programs. Its support for arts and culture included “New Asian Wave,” an exhibition to mark the 10-year anniversary of ZKM museum in Germany in 2007; Mark Rothko Retrospective Exhibition at Hamburg’s Kunsthalle Museum in 2008; the Korean International ArtFair in September 2008; Shanghai Biennale in November 2008; and Korean exhibition hall at the Venice Biennale in September 2009.