This study showed that 94% of peanut butters obtained in Portau-
Prince and Cap Haitian, Haiti, during 2012 and 2013 had greater
than 20 mg/kg total aflatoxins. Of whole peanut and maize samples
from the Nord Department, in contrast, 14% and 5%, respectively,
were contaminated in excess of that FDA regulatory limit. These
results further implicate Haitian peanuts and maize, particularly
peanut butters, as sources of aflatoxin exposure among the Haitian
people. Farmers and food processors in lesser-developed countries
such as Haiti need safe and efficacious alternative uses of
contaminated foods, and we examined the safety of ethanol
extraction to reduce aflatoxin in contaminated peanut oil. This
study showed that CL and 50% HPLC-grade ethanol were comparable
at extracting aflatoxins from the oil of highly contaminated
This study showed that 94% of peanut butters obtained in Portau-Prince and Cap Haitian, Haiti, during 2012 and 2013 had greaterthan 20 mg/kg total aflatoxins. Of whole peanut and maize samplesfrom the Nord Department, in contrast, 14% and 5%, respectively,were contaminated in excess of that FDA regulatory limit. Theseresults further implicate Haitian peanuts and maize, particularlypeanut butters, as sources of aflatoxin exposure among the Haitianpeople. Farmers and food processors in lesser-developed countriessuch as Haiti need safe and efficacious alternative uses ofcontaminated foods, and we examined the safety of ethanolextraction to reduce aflatoxin in contaminated peanut oil. Thisstudy showed that CL and 50% HPLC-grade ethanol were comparableat extracting aflatoxins from the oil of highly contaminated
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