[First of all, scout the surrounding area, we’ll then acquire this location as a defensive position to act as our headquarters]
Kazuya began summoning the necessary facilities using the menu screen, under the close supervision of Chitose.
Concrete buildings were produced, along with the necessary communication equipment.
Thick walls and barbed wire made of concrete and steel respectively enclose the area. Trenches, bunkers and lookout towers are also produced.
A suitable space was set aside for the artillery, it seems that a firm defensive position has been made
[It’s good, now that our defense is sorted, lets work on our offense]
For ground mounted weaponry, he summoned the Browning M2 machine gun that was formally adopted by the US Military in 1933 due to it’s reliability. It was surpassed by the M20 75mm recoilless rifle. For vehicular weaponry, 10 mounted M4A3 Caliope’s (The type that attaches to an M4 Sherman tank), 5 truck mounted BM-12 Katyusha rocket launchers. For ordnance he summoned a M115 203mm Howitzer and the 120-PM43 mortar. Additionally, various other small and large weaponry were summoned. (TN: M4A3 and BM-12 are vehicle mounted rocket launchers)
Ok, that’s done. I should probably send the scouts out now.
[Gather all the members of the first company!!]
Kazuya calls over the first company, as well as some of the logistic personnel.
Noisy footsteps could be heard, within an instant the first company had assembled.
When he confirms that all the members are present, he begins to speak.
[I will now explain the upcoming reconnaissance mission. We are currently stationed in the Canary kingdom territory, in a location named 『The forest of no return』it seems to be a den for demons. As this place has a high population of demons, it is the perfect place for a base, if no-one has any objections, we will be keeping an outpost here. Now, each division will consist of 10 personnel, there will be 12 divisions, each division will scout 5km starting at bearing 12 o’clock North. Each squad will spread out on bearings between 1:00 and 12:00] (TLN: Hard to translate, but basically, if you imagine a clock. It goes from 1 – 12, the squads will split up like this. So squad 1 goes towards 1:00 and squad 5 will go to 5:00 and so on…)
[The soldiers who are staying behind are here to guard the base in case of an attack, as well as being my personal escorts. Regardless of whether or not you are scouting or staying behind, all of the first company will receive an appropriate weapon and necessary equipment. The division that is going scouting must take logistical support, so please take a few medics.]
The soldiers in the company who receive my instructions, salute and answer in chorus.
Well then, because they were summoned without the addition of a weapon, i should summon some.
The STG44 has a shortage in firepower… The MG42 machine gun and the Type 99 sniper rifle, perhaps the auxiliary rocket launcher Panzerfaust?
With this, they should be able to handle tough enemies.
Weapons and logistical personnel are split between the 12 divisions that are going scouting. Also, some troops have been mobilised in order to operate the artillery, should the scouting group need shelling support.
Fuu~ now, i can rest.
[Is there something wrong, master?]
As Kazuya dropped his shoulders, Chitose spoke up.
That reminds me, Chitose calls me master….. (TLN: He only just realised….)
Until now, being called master seemed to be natural, i’d never asked her to change the way she called me.
[Do you mind not calling me master?]
[I will not, because master is master. The way i call you is absolute and cannot be changed. I would like you to call me Chitose without the honorific as well]
[…..Then, i will call you Chitose from now on]
Kazuya snorted roughly, having been overpowered by Chitose’s atmosphere he decided to give in.
Proclaiming someone as their one and only master, she sort of resembles a Yandere…..
I wonder if i can see Chitose’s status?
Kazuya tried to check it using the menu screen.