Descriptive Statistics
We recruited 116 participants; 43% were male, 56% were female, and one of unreported gender. The youngest participant was 18, and the oldest was 71, with an average age of 30. Thirty-one percent of our sample was university students. The education level of our participants was as follows: high school equivalent, 11%; some college, 37%; bachelors, 33%; masters, 16%; PhD or professional degree, 3%; unreported, 1%. We asked our participants, “What is your level of (general technical/Facebook) expertise? The majority of our participants had at least an intermediate level of expertise on both Facebook and with technology. Fiftyone percent of our participants considered themselves as having intermediate expertise on Facebook, and 64% considered themselves intermediate to advanced users of technology in general. Means and standard deviations associated with each of the constructs in our model are reported in Appendix B, Table A2.