“I just got off work so I’m free for the night miss…?” He trailed off inviting you to supply him with your name.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” you said politely.
“Well Miss (Y/L/N), let go find your missing bug,” he said offering you his arm. You were surprised by how light hearted he seemed compared to when you had met him earlier. You guessed he had to put on a front during work in order to get anything done around there. Especially with people like Tina always mucking about.
The night went well, Graves assisted you in looking for the Billywig (which you did not find) and showing you some his favorite places in New York. You had explained to him that it was your first time there and that you loved the city. It had to come to an end though, he needed to get home and sleep and you needed to return to Newt and his creatures.
“Thank you for the lovely night Mr. Graves,” you said to him as you began parting ways.
“Please, call me Percival, and might I call you (Y/N)?” He asked.
“Of course Mr. Gra- I mean Percival,” you said with a giggle.
“I had a great time tonight (Y/N) and I’m glad I could be the first to show you this city. Maybe I can see you again if you’re ever in New York?” He asked.
“I’d enjoy that very much,” you said.
“Goodnight,” he said taking your hand and gently kissing it.
“Goodnight,” you replied blushing again. The two of you finally parted and you waved to him as he made his way down the street. When he disappeared from view you jumped in excitement. You were going to get to see Percival Graves again and it was going to be just as amazing as this time. You were definitely smitten and you didn’t care.