Thank you for your commitment for participating in the upcoming 4th Meeting of Gulf of Thailand. On behalf of the Secretariat of the Meeting I would like to remind you on the Country Presentation under Agenda 3.3. It would be very useful if the country could prepare a short presentation on matters described below.The presentation (not more than 15 min, and 5 min for Q&A) will focus on Update/current status, policy, legal, institutional framework, action plans and/or initiatives undertaken around the Gulf of Thailand sub-region, which cover the following issues:
1. 1. Integration of fisheries and habitat management, trans-boundary stocks and habitat, on Rastrelliger spp. Management scheme/measures, research works, what are Challenges, issues and constraints?
2. Promotion of more effective management of fishing capacity and to reduce illegal and destructive (combat IUU) fishing, what are Challenges, issues and constraints?
- MCS Networks
- Port Monitoring and Monitoring of Landings by “neighboring” vessels
- Catch documentation and certification/validation
Thank you very much for your kind attention.