In this study an Eco-region combined climate (Holdridge Life
Zones System- [6] and soil (USDA soil taxonomic classification,
[33,43] and as the two main biophysical factors that hypothetically
define four environments for growth. Eco-region 1 (Tropical Moist
Forest) and 2 (Tropical Wet Forest) represent the most
challenging environmental conditions with their ustic soil
moisture regimes and lengthy dry season each year; soils of very
low fertility, very acid, clayey texture, compacted, and after the
last few decades of land use, a loss of aggregation [28]. Ecoregion
3 (Premontane Rain Forest) is dominated by volcanic
soils, Andisols with loamy texture and mediumto high fertility.
Because these sites are at higher elevation, the dry season exerts
much less water stress on plants. Eco-region 4 (Tropical Wet
Forest) has only one experimental plot, which is located on
a young alluvial Inceptisol,with loamy texture, high fertility and
perudic moisture regime [13].
In this study an Eco-region combined climate (Holdridge LifeZones System- [6] and soil (USDA soil taxonomic classification,[33,43] and as the two main biophysical factors that hypotheticallydefine four environments for growth. Eco-region 1 (Tropical MoistForest) and 2 (Tropical Wet Forest) represent the mostchallenging environmental conditions with their ustic soilmoisture regimes and lengthy dry season each year; soils of verylow fertility, very acid, clayey texture, compacted, and after thelast few decades of land use, a loss of aggregation [28]. Ecoregion3 (Premontane Rain Forest) is dominated by volcanicsoils, Andisols with loamy texture and mediumto high fertility.Because these sites are at higher elevation, the dry season exertsmuch less water stress on plants. Eco-region 4 (Tropical WetForest) has only one experimental plot, which is located ona young alluvial Inceptisol,with loamy texture, high fertility andperudic moisture regime [13].
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
In this study an Eco-region combined climate (Holdridge Life
Zones System- [6] and soil (USDA soil taxonomic classification,
[33,43] and as the two main biophysical factors that hypothetically
define four environments for growth. Eco-region 1 (Tropical Moist
Forest) and 2 (Tropical Wet Forest) represent the most
challenging environmental conditions with their ustic soil
moisture regimes and lengthy dry season each year; soils of very
low fertility, very acid, clayey texture, compacted, and after the
last few decades of land use, a loss of aggregation [28]. Ecoregion
3 (Premontane Rain Forest) is dominated by volcanic
soils, Andisols with loamy texture and mediumto high fertility.
Because these sites are at higher elevation, the dry season exerts
much less water stress on plants. Eco-region 4 (Tropical Wet
Forest) has only one experimental plot, which is located on
a young alluvial Inceptisol,with loamy texture, high fertility and
perudic moisture regime [13].
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..