The concept of smart construction is connecting everything – people, dirt, and machinery through cloud-based technology
Smart Construction is for general construction, and thus uses intelligent bulldozers and excavators.
First, Skycatch UAVs complete the initial terrain survey. Then, the information is compiled into 3D data
And is used in our Smart Construction machinery, such as bulldozers, to conduct highly efficient construction.
Smart Construction enables efficient and optimal construction with a minimized labor force.
With the combined information, all in 3D data, it becomes clear which areas need work done.
If customers want to make changes during the process, our support center assists and sends update information
To the ICT (Information & Communication Technology)machinery, making the entire construction process very smooth.
Previously, for the first phase of construction, humans manually measured and surveyed the terrain.
Komatsu’s goal is precisely to prevent and eliminate such errors, from the outset.
To accomplish this, Komatsu uses Skycatch UAVs to survey the terrain more accurately.
Meanwhile, with Skycatch, it can be completely done within 1 day or even 30 minutes.
So on the site, customers are so surprised.