But Chu Feng, naturally can feel the Eggy good intention, this girl, everywhere considers for oneself, has saying that the Eggy concern, causes Chu Feng in four Wan Xu, during is extremely oppressed, felt warm feeling.
„It is not good.” But suddenly, the pupil of Chu Feng actually suddenly shrinks, hurries to send greetings in Qiushui Fuyan, said: „The Qiushui senior, the tone, the front has Third Rank Martial King in a big hurry, has blocked the way.”
„What?” Qiushui Fuyan, quite feels the accident, to avoid presenting the mishap, she also expanded extreme Spirit power, to observe square sound, but has not actually discovered unusually.
However even if so, she also listened to the opinion of Chu Feng, hurries to transfer the personal appearance, grazes to go to another side.
„Bang ~~~~~~~”, however, Qiushui Fuyan just transferred the movement, the distant place then erupts a boundless power and influence, together Third Rank Martial King aura, oppression of blotting out the sky.
Meanwhile, is full of the resentment to read together with the anger sound, just like thunderous general, resounds through:
„Chu Feng, you cannot escape today!!!”