A total of 213,694 persons aged 65 years and older were insured at least 1 day in all four quarters of 2009. Of them, 4,584 (2.2 %) lived in nursing homes. Baseline characteristics according to place of residence are shown in Table 1.
Nursing home residents were on average older, more often female and had a higher degree of care dependency than community-dwelling elderly.
Overall, the prevalence of dementia was about 19-fold higher in nursing home residents compared with community-dwelling elderly (51.8 vs. 2.7 %). These differences were found in both sexes, but males have a slightly lower prevalence (Table 2). Increasing prevalences with age were found in both sexes in community-dwelling elderly. In the age groups up to 85–89 years the prevalence doubles about every 5 years, this strong effect lessens in older persons. These trends were not seen in nursing home residents where prevalence was already 35.7 % in males and 40.9 % in females aged
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of our study cohort of persons aged 65? according to place of residence Baseline characteristics Nursing home residents(n = 4,584)
Community dwelling(n = 209,110)Mean age, in years (SD) 82.0 (7.8) 72.4 (5.9)
Age groups (in years)
65–69 7.7 % 38.6 %
70–74 11.7 % 31.4 %
75–79 15.2 % 16.3 %
80–84 25.2 % 9.4 %
85–89 24.2 % 3.7 %
90–94 11.0 % 0.6 %
95? 5.0 % 0.1 %
Male 37.9 % 57.0 %
Female 62.1 % 43.0 %
Level of long-term care
None 0.0 %a 94.8 %
I 34.0 % 3.2 %
II 42.9 % 1.6 %
III 23.0 % 0.5 %
Region of residence
East 7.4 % 13.6 %
West 92.6 % 86.4 %
a All residents of nursing homes are assigned to a level of care
556 Aging Clin Exp Res (2014) 26:555–559
65–69 years. With 57 %, the prevalence was highest in both sexes in the age group 85–89 years and no further increase is found thereafter. Differences between men and
women are visible, especially after the age of 70 and in persons living in the community. However, as the wide confidence intervals indicate, the prevalence for higher age groups is less precise because of the smaller number of people in these groups.
Higher prevalences in the western part of Germany are found in community-dwelling elderly, while in nursing home residents, the trend is reverse to that.
A total of 213,694 persons aged 65 years and older were insured at least 1 day in all four quarters of 2009. Of them, 4,584 (2.2 %) lived in nursing homes. Baseline characteristics according to place of residence are shown in Table 1.Nursing home residents were on average older, more often female and had a higher degree of care dependency than community-dwelling elderly.Overall, the prevalence of dementia was about 19-fold higher in nursing home residents compared with community-dwelling elderly (51.8 vs. 2.7 %). These differences were found in both sexes, but males have a slightly lower prevalence (Table 2). Increasing prevalences with age were found in both sexes in community-dwelling elderly. In the age groups up to 85–89 years the prevalence doubles about every 5 years, this strong effect lessens in older persons. These trends were not seen in nursing home residents where prevalence was already 35.7 % in males and 40.9 % in females agedTable 1 Baseline characteristics of our study cohort of persons aged 65? according to place of residence Baseline characteristics Nursing home residents(n = 4,584)Community dwelling(n = 209,110)Mean age, in years (SD) 82.0 (7.8) 72.4 (5.9)Age groups (in years)65–69 7.7 % 38.6 %70–74 11.7 % 31.4 %75–79 15.2 % 16.3 %80–84 25.2 % 9.4 %85–89 24.2 % 3.7 %90–94 11.0 % 0.6 %95? 5.0 % 0.1 %SexMale 37.9 % 57.0 %Female 62.1 % 43.0 %Level of long-term careNone 0.0 %a 94.8 %I 34.0 % 3.2 %II 42.9 % 1.6 %III 23.0 % 0.5 %Region of residenceEast 7.4 % 13.6 %West 92.6 % 86.4 %a All residents of nursing homes are assigned to a level of care556 Aging Clin Exp Res (2014) 26:555–55912365–69 years. With 57 %, the prevalence was highest in both sexes in the age group 85–89 years and no further increase is found thereafter. Differences between men andwomen are visible, especially after the age of 70 and in persons living in the community. However, as the wide confidence intervals indicate, the prevalence for higher age groups is less precise because of the smaller number of people in these groups.Higher prevalences in the western part of Germany are found in community-dwelling elderly, while in nursing home residents, the trend is reverse to that.
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