SGS inspectors supervised the vessel
loading in Indonesia and the discharging
inspection in Mozambique. Every step
of the loading and discharging operation
was followed, checked and documented
by SGS specialists. Available in all main
ports around the globe, they understand
the operations and regulations as well
as speaking the local languages. The
loading of each truck was supervised by
SGS to verify that the quantities were
correct and that the products were in
good condition prior to transportation
inland. Unfortunately, en route to the
final destination, Zambia, one truck was
involved in an accident in Harare and lost
more than 23 tons of the product, RBD
Palm Olein, that it was carrying.
SGS inspectors supervised the vesselloading in Indonesia and the discharginginspection in Mozambique. Every stepof the loading and discharging operationwas followed, checked and documentedby SGS specialists. Available in all mainports around the globe, they understandthe operations and regulations as wellas speaking the local languages. Theloading of each truck was supervised bySGS to verify that the quantities werecorrect and that the products were ingood condition prior to transportationinland. Unfortunately, en route to thefinal destination, Zambia, one truck wasinvolved in an accident in Harare and lostmore than 23 tons of the product, RBDPalm Olein, that it was carrying.
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