Orchard Road, tourists mostly visit here to shopping as often tourists bourgeois-aristocratic.
Most people who go to Changi Airport here will be those that reached outside or domestic but there may be more tourists come to see the airports or shopping.
Botanic Garden visitors will go to visit the natural vegetation or to relax.
Cark Quay is the nightlife. Most tourists will go to relax, fun, entertainment.
Marina bay as a source that includes many attractions. Tourists may go to visit the beauties of the place or go to education, and to take pictures.
Botanic Garden most tourists go to visit the natural vegetation or on vacation.
Cark Quay"s nightlife. Most visitors go to rest for fun and entertainment.
Marina Bay sources including many attractions Tourists may go to visit the beauty of the place. Or go for the knowledge. And go to a photograph as a souvenir.