Anybody achievement True Immortal, in shoving open Door of Immortality that moment, his Immortal meridians reveals above Door of Immortality, changes to immortal dragons, shakes the heavens moves. At this moment, in the Meng Hao top of the head, above Door of Immortality, the first immortal dragon, is condensing at a rapid speed unceasingly. Immortal Qi shakes the heavens, the immortal light is radiant, starry sky shone is similar to the daytime, Planet East Victory all people, look at this completely, cannot lose one's voice. „Door of Immortality ... Opened!!” „Immortal meridians is condensing, Fang Hao here, he can start out many lineage!!” In the innumerable cultivator attention, on Door of Immortality, the first immortal dragon appears thoroughly, after sending out roared, second Immortal meridians, once more condenses, afterward was third, fourth, fifth ... Suddenly, in this boundless surmounted in the deep palace the bronze dragon not to know in many time of Immortal Qi, ten, 20, 30 Immortal meridians, rumbling appearance. 30 immortal dragons dance in the air, roared fiercely, each immortal dragon, made the person of Ninth Mountain sea attention, the innermost feelings tremble, dumbfounded, especially thoses Chosen True Immortal, was the heart jumps crazily. „This is ... Is this Immortal meridians?” „Immortal meridians when how this each Immortal meridians, becomes True Immortal condenses compared with other people, wanted in a big way the several fold!!” „Difficult of immortal tribulation, unprecedented, Door of Immortality is difficult to push, is equally unprecedented, succeeds under such immortal tribulation and Door of Immortality, therefore Immortal meridians compared with other people, too be formidable many!” Planet East Victory Fang Clan calls out in alarm unceasingly, Fang Wei looks pale, stubbornly is staring at Meng Hao, his Fighting Intent, in seeing Meng Hao has resisted immortal tribulation with shoving open in the Door of Immortality process, underwent the ups and downs, may as before also. At this moment, Planet East Victory calls out in alarm spreads over all directions, cultivator of Ninth Mountain sea each Sect family, hearts shock, Meng Hao Immortal meridians, making them be surprised. „Immortal meridians is intrepid, represents this child the strength in Immortal Realm, will be unequalled ... Under Paragon immortal tribulation, achievement ... Only has the Paragon immortal!” The Fan Dong Er behind old woman, looks at the picture in quartz, in a soft voice to open mouth. Has the same judgment with her, is Patriarch of all Sect families, when they look to Meng Hao, had the ray sparkle, the innermost feelings had various thoughts. At this moment, in Door of Immortality, had been covered the body by the immortal light, had been surrounded Meng Hao of stature by Immortal Qi, his within the body thunders emerging of dreadful, infinite Immortal Qi, lets in the Meng Hao body ka the sound reverberation, outside 40 Immortal meridians, condenses many Immortal meridians once more! 41, 45, 50 ... Thunders, the immortal dragon outside Door of Immortality, entire 50, dance in the air unceasingly sends out to roar, the sound spreads over all around, as long as the person of hearing, can the mind shake. But all these, had not finished! 55, 60, 70, 80 ... In the short time, the Door of Immortality immortal dragon, presented 80, these 80 immortal dragons, send out the shakes the heavens imposing manner, dances in the air when the starry sky, sound of reverberation roaring, shocked all saw this cultivator. The Meng Hao whole body thunders, within the body is the same like tearing, infinite Immortal Qi emerges, toward 81 st Immortal meridians, bang condensation ... Quick, 81 st Immortal meridians condenses, 82, 83 ... Under being a focus of public attention of Ninth Mountain sea people, outside Door of Immortality, presented 90 th Immortal meridians!