3.2. The state recognition of the cell and the neighbors
Based on the constructing method of the function y ¼ gðst
x1; st
xþ1;MÞ, we can also construct a function z ¼ f ðst
x; g1; g2Þ for
recognizing the states of the cells and the neighbors Nt
x ¼ ðst
x1; st
x; st
xþ1Þ in an ECA. In the construction of the function, there is and For instance, Nt
x1; st
x; st
xþ1Þ ¼ 1; 0; 1, there is Mð1Þ z ¼ f ðst
x; g1; g2 ¼ mð2Þ
11 .