Maximum web width
870 / 1,000 mm
Cylinder circumference
533 - 700 mm (others on request)
Maximum output
(depending on format and equipment)
75,000 cph
Printing units
H-type with 2 - 4 printing couples
Stacked H-type with up to 8 printing couples
Film inking units with undershot ink blades
3-roller spray dampening units (4 rollers optional)
Shaftless drives
DriveTronic, with dedicated AC drives
Semi-commercial package with thermal dryer
KF 3B / KF 3 folder
Cylinder ratio
Maximum capacity
64 broadsheet pages or 128 tabloid pages
Maximum reel diameter
1,270 mm
Maximum splicing speed
13 mps
KBA Patras reel logistics
Choice of automation levels