After the test, the research team examined
the total amount of calories that participants were
supposed to add according to the ingredients and
portions they had used to make their sandwich. Of
the ten (10) participants reviewed in the test, six (6)
added more calories to the app than the amount
they had consumed and four (4) were below the
expected calories. There were two (2) participants
that had added an amount of calories to the app
that was off by several orders of magnitude. In one
of these cases the difference was of 399.758
calories and the other was 14.647 calories. Only
three (3) participants were close to add the amount
of calories expected, but no one was spot on. The
difference between the calories added and the
expected calories was calculated as a percentage
of their expected amount. The average difference
was 41%, participants that were close to the
expected calories had 13.3%, 19.8% and 23.5%.