8 things Kate Middleton Will Learn in a Hot Second About Being a Mom
Kate Middleton may be a duchess, but these universal mom truths apply to all
By Lesley Kennedy - July 19, 2013
So, you spent some pretty amazing years in your L.K Bennett heels and Temperley dresses, attending garden parties and Diamond Jubilee events with perfect hair, a cheerful smile and the freedom to jet off to Mustique when you need a break.
Cherish those memories, dear Kate Middleton. Because once that precious royal babyarrives these universal mom truths quickly become reality -- even for duchesses. We're sure you'll have lost of love, help and support, but having a baby means a new way of life. Here are things you will quickly learn -- just know you're not alone.
1. You'll want to wear flats. Even if you're not schlepping your own diaper bags, somebow when you're working on three hours of sleep a night, heels become a distant memory. But your flats will be worn out before you even master the breast pump.
2. The sleep deprivation is overwhelming. If you're nursing -- and we're hoping you will -- there isn't really anyone who can step in for you at first. So even if you've got an army of baby nurses at the ready, you'll still be the one feeding the newest heir.
But don't worry -- it gets better. Just take lots of naps and in a few weeks, you an pump and let some else feed the baby at 2am!
3. If you decide to breastfeed (but really, no pressure), it can be hard to got the hang of it. Just get lots of help for any problems -- and keep trying. It will be worth it!
4. Wear your hair up. Managed to wash your hair? Congratulation! You're ahead of most new moms. Get ready to become known for your ponytail. Because you'll be wearing it, like: Every. Single. Day.
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5. It's hard to leave the baby. Even if you've got the Royal Guard, Mary Poppins, all the grandparents and the Queen Mum on call when ou step out for your first date night, you'll still be terrified about leaving the baby. It's just a thing -- it happens to everyone.
6. Have extra under-eye concealer. We don't think we've ever seen you look anything short of flawless, but, as one mom tells us, it's been about 13 years since she's had a good night's sleep. Not weeks. Not months. Years.
7. Buy some yoga pants. Even if you have an army of laundreesses at the ready, it's sill hard to stand by as your favorite cashmere sweater gets covered in spit-up -- or let's face it, poop. Stork up on some extra casual clothes.
8. Your heart might burst. Once you hold that beautiful baby in your arms, you will repeatedly wonder how it is possible to love something so much. And that will make everything else fade far, far away.