Both the exudates and extracts of M. aeruginosa showed sig- nificant effects on P. malaianus seed germination (Fig. 1). Seeds of the control germinated rapidly after day 5, and the highest germi- nating rate was measured around day 10. The whole germination period lasted about 25 days. Exudates and extracts had no signifi- cant effects on seed germination until day 15 (P > 0.05). After more than 15 days treatment, the lowest exudates concentration (T1) significantly promoted seed germination (final germination rate was 8% higher than in controls after 30 days, P < 0.05). Medium exudate concentrations had no effect (P > 0.05); but the highest exu- dates concentration (T5) significantly inhibited seed germination (final germination rate was 19.2% lower than in controls after 30 days, P < 0.05).
Extracts only had a significantly inhibiting effect on P. mala- ianus seed germination at the highest concentration (T5), but the inhibition rate was significantly lower than that of the exudates treatments (Fig. 1).