I love Thais. I've lived there for quite sometime, and they were my gracious hosts. Most of them have been very helpful and understanding without expecting any reward in return. Sure there're shopkeepers or tuk-tuk drivers who tried to quote me a higher price or fare, but that's part and parcel of their culture of doing business and bargaining.
I've encountered Thai rascals and "black-shop" pirates too. But I won't be saying all Thais are like that based on a few unpleasant encounters. Every nation and race has their share of rascals.
Tony, when you see some Singaporeans behaving badly or even disgustingly, it doesn't mean that all Singaporeans are like that. When you feel that you're behaving better than them, it doesn't mean that you're more "unsinkified" than the other "sinkies."
Claiming to "unsinkified" above other "sinkies" is a trait of the real "sinkie" who claims unilateral superiority over others, including other "sinkies." I've nothing personal against you, but just think about it, just the matter.
Nope, not all Singaporeans behave bad. Well, i guess it is enough for me not to mix too closely with them. I have enough of them. Thailand gives me a avenue to see human in a positive way. That is my escape.