E-Commerce Infrastructure Planning and Management
E-Commerce is the magic word in the era of web enablement. In this era of internet driven innovations, a rising number of professionals are engaging in innovative business models and services within their own. There are further numerous professionals employed within the domain as experts. This article provides an overview of E-Commerce Infrastructure Planning and Management.
So why do we need to focus on e-commerce infrastructure and how should we plan it? To define its Mission: It would be to design, develop and maintenance of e-commerce business venture and enable three critical objectives:
First objective (what we are building): An open, distributed and safe infrastructure which is scalable and thus has provisions for future needs
Second objective (how we can use): Using internet based technologies to demonstrate the value creation for the users, and facilitate the delivery
Third objective (who will pay repeatedly): Define the right business model to sustain in the future, in tandem with the IT infrastructure