Preface / Frances Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith -- Part 1. A vision of leadership. 1. Peter F. Drucker on executive leadership and effectiveness / Joseph A. Maciariello -- Part 2. Leading in a diverse world. 2. Systems citizenship : the leadership mandate for this millennium / Peter Senge -- 3. Diversity management : an essential craft for future leaders / R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr. -- 4. Ten things I learned about leadership from women executive directors of color / Jan Masaoka -- 5. How cosmopolitan leaders inspire confidence : a profile of the future / Rosabeth Moss Kanter -- Part 3. Leading in a time of crisis and complexity. 6. Anchoring leadership in the work of adaptive progress / Ronald A. Heifetz -- 7. The challenge of complexity / John Alexander -- 8. Understanding the nonprofit sector's leadership deficit / Thomas J. Tierney -- 9. Leadership over fear / John Edwin Mroz -- 10. Leading in a constantly changing world / Ponchitta Pierce -- 11. Leaders of the future : growing one-eyed kings / General Eric K. Shinseki -- Part 4. Leading organizations of the future. 12. Philosopher leaders / Charles Handy -- 13. Leadership as a brand / Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood -- 14. Regaining public trust : a leadership challenge / Ken Blanchard and Dennis Carey -- 15. Leading new age professionals / Marshall Goldsmith -- 16. Tomorrow's leader / Srikumar S. Rao -- 17. Challenges for leaders in the years ahead / Sally Helgesen -- 18. Leadership judgment at the front line / Noel M. Tichy and Chris DeRose -- 19. It's not just the leader's vision / Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner -- Part 5. The quality and character of the leader of the future. 20. Leading in the knowledge worker age / Stephen R. Covey -- 21. Are the best leaders like professors? Teaching, asking questions, and evidence-based management / Jeffrey Pfeffer -- 22. The leader integrator : an emerging role / Usman A. Ghani -- 23. Leadership competencies : a provocative new look / Edgar H. Schein -- 24. The three elements of good leadership in rapidly changing times / Lynn Barendsen and Howard Gardner -- 25. Distinctive characteristics of successful leaders of voluntary organizations : past, present, and future / Brian O'Connell -- 26. The leader in midlife / Richard J. Leider -- 27. Leading from the spirit / Darlyne Bailey -- The editors -- Index.