Aim We used Kanters (1977) structural empowerment theory to examine the
influence of structural empowerment and emotional exhaustion on healthcare
professionals use of organizational citizenship behaviours directed at the organization
(OCBO) and peers (OCBI).
Background Organizational citizenship behaviours (OCB) are discretionary
behaviours that are not rewarded directly by the organization but have been linked
to positive outcomes, such as increased job satisfaction and lower turnover intentions.
Promoting OCB can help employees and organizations flourish despite current
challenges in the healthcare system. Structural empowerment may influence the
frequency and type of OCB by reducing burnout.
Method We conducted multiple mediated regression analyses to test two hypothesized
models about relationships between empowerment, emotional exhaustion and
two types of OCB (OCBI and OCBO) in a sample of 897 healthcare professionals in
five Canadian hospitals.
Results Emotional exhaustion was found to be a significant mediator of the relationship
between empowerment and OCBO. The predicted mediation of the
empowerment/OCBI relationship by emotional exhaustion was not supported.
Conclusions Exhaustion was an important mediator of empowering working conditions
and OCBO, but was not significantly related to OCBI. Empowerment was
significantly related to both OCBO and OCBI.
Implications for nursing management Promoting empowerment among healthcare
workers may decrease burnout and promote OCB. Specific managerial strategies are
discussed in the present study.