Computers may not provide the best means to read large blocks of text, such as complete books, but they are useful for scanning smaller sections of written material. Moreover, using hypertext links to browse through related material is a very efficient method for collecting information. Since the transistor was invented in 1948, the first piece of integrated circuit developed in 1958 triggered a microelectronics revolution. Morse, from the first half of the 19th century to the invention of the telegraph in the early 20th century and the first half of the birth of the first program-controlled switchboards, and digital program switch to the application of digital communication technologies to the development. In 1969 United States into the world's first computer network using packet switching technology logs. The United States National Science Foundation in 1986 to build a network NSFNET. And there has been the rapid development of the Internet in 1991. The information industry as a whole brings about a revolutionary impact on society. With the Internet, students can have access to libraries many times more extensive than libraries in their schools or communities, and can take advantage of information that is up-to-date, not found in their textbooks, and perhaps unfamiliar to their teacher. Interactions through email have been shown to be motivating factors for students to improve their reading and writing skills. Email also allows students to collaborate with people not physically present, over large distances, as shown in Fig. 2.