The voice on the radio laughed. ‘Because you are a woman, do you think all men are
stupid, like your husband? Send me our brothers, then refuel the plane, and then I will
send you the passengers.’
‘No,’ answered Helen. She looked at Colonel Carter. ‘This is how we will do it. I will
send you one of our brothers and then you must send me the passengers. When we have
all the passengers, then we will refuel the plane and send you your other brothers.’
The voice laughed again. ‘Do you think you are buying cheap fish from a child in the
market? Send us one brother, then, and we will send you one hundred passengers. Refuel
the plane and send us the other brother, and we will send you the other passenger. But
the pilot and your husband must come with us to another country. We will set them free
Helen looked at Colonel Carter. There was the beginning of a smile on her face. She
could see that he agreed with her. She waited for a moment longer, to worry the hijacker.
‘Is it agreed, woman? Or do I kill your husband now?’
‘I agree. I will send your first brother to you in ten minutes