Afterward, the three of us took lodging at an inn within the capital for three days.
The original plan was to move towards Fort Karon and there pick up Ginger, but we didn't manage to put that into action.
While I really wanted to get home as soon as possible, I also felt like I needed to monitor this country a bit longer.
Just being here a few days longer might allow me to see where this is all going.
For once I didn't slack off on collecting intelligence.
Yet I still haven't understood everything that is happening.
I couldn't afford to slack off on the Magic Armor's maintenance or general vigilance.
Inside the town is buzzing with rumors.
That the rebels surrounding the Imperial City had battled with the kingdom's army led by Pax.
That there was mortal combat between the Death God Randolph and the warlord Jade.
That the next era's King is wise and noble.
It's all fabricated.
It's a horrible means to win over the loyalist army.
Although it might not all be the warlord Jade's lies.
It's possible that it's just things that have been said in jest getting spread around.
If you look at the times where rumors spread the fastest its often like that.
Those rumors might have already been spreading while they were camped outside the castle.
Some people just prefer to see a more dramatic world.
Fact is stranger then fiction.
Reality is strange, helpless, and disappointing.
In the dining room of an inn, at the water cooler, in the market; lies, truths, and words that people might not understand are spread.
Someone also had said things like, the next King is selling half of Shirone to the northern country.
That reminds me: how will this effect the cease-fire negotiations?
Did the commanding officer of the fort take over for us?
As it is, I don't know.
We know nothing, but Zanoba appears well regardless.
Ever since we arrived at the inn, Zanoba has been absorbed in thought.
Day after day, he just sits in a chair absentminded.
Thinking about it, Zanoba has lost his whole family: his house, his father, his brother.
He had said that this country was his home, but it might not be a home worth defending now that everyone is gone.
Although, he doesn't give off the impression that he is burying his depression.
Basically there is just many things for him to think about.
He's concerned about the future.
There is another person who is actually depressed.
It's Roxy.
She has been a person of few words these last several days, and she eats very lightly like she has no appetite.
In the evening, with a listless expression, she sits still, gazing into the fireplace.
Pax's death, I wonder if she is in shock over it.
I would be.
In his very last minute, Pax spewed out his grudge against Roxy.
It was like he was saying, she was to blame for his death.
That would really effect me, if I was her.
"I'm back."
".... Welcome back."