During the last two decades, several case reports have been published worldwide about green mould
infections of cultivated Agaricus bisporus, and the causative agents were identified as Trichoderma
aggressivum. More recently, the green mould disease of Pleurotus spp. caused by Trichoderma has also
been reported in several countries. Pleurotus ostreatus is the third-most important commercially grown
basidiomycete worldwide, and its production is being increasingly affected by green mould infections causing
great crop losses.
e fungi responsible for the green mould disease of Pleurotus proved to be different from T. aggressivum,
based on their cultural, morphological, physiological and molecular properties. e causative agents of the
disease have been described as the new species Trichoderma pleurotum S.H. Yu & M.S. Park and Trichoderma
pleuroticola S.H. Yu & M.S. Park, and the isolates from other countries were shown to be identical to them.
e aim of this article is to give an overview of the global situation of Pleurotus green mould disease including