One side it should be symmetrical Now, how can it be symmetric see there is I this is
very difficult to draw three dimensional picture,, but see Propeller is rotating here in in
this direction, so, along this line, along with, if you take a center plane, if you take a
center plane here see if you take a center plane I do not know how to show that propeller
is rotating in one direction. So, here the flow is not exactly along this line, it will be
slightly having this side you see, because propeller as we mean, two side propellers,
there is, if they have got counter balanced. Counter balance. But is one side propeller you
see, in fact, productivity is so important that that you have a counter rotating propeller,
because, you know when you that is why actually, you some time you must be knowing
that you have to give some 0 zero angle. Rudder angle may not be the 0 offset, you might
have to give some small angle. Yes just two offset this. So, propeller clock o is turning
propeller. Um. Which one will take a bigger circle and which one will take Ah that I
cannot often tell because I cannot often tell that this answer ah. Let me know
One side it should be symmetrical Now, how can it be symmetric see there is I this isvery difficult to draw three dimensional picture,, but see Propeller is rotating here in inthis direction, so, along this line, along with, if you take a center plane, if you take acenter plane here see if you take a center plane I do not know how to show that propelleris rotating in one direction. So, here the flow is not exactly along this line, it will beslightly having this side you see, because propeller as we mean, two side propellers,there is, if they have got counter balanced. Counter balance. But is one side propeller yousee, in fact, productivity is so important that that you have a counter rotating propeller,because, you know when you that is why actually, you some time you must be knowingthat you have to give some 0 zero angle. Rudder angle may not be the 0 offset, you mighthave to give some small angle. Yes just two offset this. So, propeller clock o is turningpropeller. Um. Which one will take a bigger circle and which one will take Ah that Icannot often tell because I cannot often tell that this answer ah. Let me know
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