The Kassites are known as the cavalrymen and horse breeders of the Empire of Korweyn at the continent of Nybelmar. They're honourable and brave warriors that drive their herds of cattle, horses and sheep over the vast plains of central and eastern Korweyn. In many respects they provide the military backbone of the empire of Korweyn and are as a tribe the second in rank in the empire and the Korweynite's closest ally.
Appearance. The Kassites are a tribe of cattle herders and horsemen. They have a fair complexion and grow considerable tall and are in some way the counterpart of the Korweynite. They're usually of strong build, man and women alike.
A Kassite Woman
View picture in full size A Kassite woman praying for a lost comrade. Pic drawn by Koldar.
The straight hair is worn long, only the warriors cut their hair as sign of submission to the codes of war in shoulderlength and wear it in the traditional warrior tail. The Kassites are usually very proud of their hair and weave various jewelry from painted bones to pearls and gold wire into it, a tradition only warriors refrain from doing for practical reasons. They're even forbidden to wear any kind of jewelry openly so the soldiers - despite build and height - look more or less the same. In some clans it is even common to dye the hair in one common colour, often black, sometimes blonde or red. Priests live an ascetic life as hermits away from the main settlements. They completely shave their heads as sign of complete submission to their God or Goddess and live only from what the worshippers bring them to honour them and their Gods. Return to the top
Coat of Arms/Sign. The Kassites' shield shows two black stallions fighting on the green plains. Since the rise of the second Empire the shield also contains the Korweynite sun eagle rising behind the horses. The individual clans put certain symbols and objects on the ground to the feet of the horses. Return to the top
Territory. The origin of the Kassites is lost in the mists of the past. Only that they came to the lands of Korweyn during the second war between Korweyn and the second Shadow Realm. They were greeted as welcomed allies and they received the wide but dangerous plains east of the Sohon Mountains as their new grazing grounds. Today they're split up into three great factions that settle around Kormendale, between the Ranesh and the Espesh and in the borderland to the Jerrah. Return to the top