characteristics 1-MCP or ethylene treatments did not affect WU, WL and RF Wover 11 days of experiment (data not shown). Comparing the results of the different days, significant differences were observed, as the highest and lowest amounts of WU occurred on days 1 and 9 of experiment respectively. The highest and lowest percentage of RFW changes appeared on days 11 and 1 respectively (data not shown). In all treatments, chlorophyll content was reduce dover 12 days of postharvest life. Chlorophyll content of leaves was reduced under pre treatment with 0 and 0.5 1-MCP + E treatment during running the experiment (Fig. 1), while 1 1-MCP + E decreased chlorophyll degradation rate in the presence of ethylene. Control had the highest amount of chlorophyll content among all treatments as it showed a significant difference with the others, while the highest chlorophyll degradation was observed under E treat-ment. In C, chlorophyll content decreased during 8–12 days of experiment rapidly, while 1 1-MCP + E inhibited quickly degradation of chlorophyll. There was no significant difference between E and 0.5 1-MCP + E (Fig. 1).