1. Receive, count and checking credit card sales slip from LF every day.
2. Prepare and control credit card sales slip.
3. To follow up pending sales slip credit from store BKK within 5 days and store UPC 10 days.
4. To support K. Patumporn about sales slip credit card when K- Bank require on time.
5. Prepare and control credit card sales slip send to K-Bank within 15th of month.
6. To collect KTC credit card sales slip and sent to Recall every 2 months.
7. To collect AMEX credit card sales slip and send to Recall every 2 months.
8. Prepare document for Store opened / Store closed on time as budget
9. Prepare and control credit card sales slip send to K-Bank within 15th of month.
10. Prepare and document support new store up Country to submit Food Storage License.
11. Follow up responsible person for completed the check list