Internet is one of the most important sources of finding information about agriculture as well as other related issues (Burke & Sewake, 2008). Seeking the online information about banking is on the most important agri- business activity among farmers. In Malaysia, current statistics shows that 94% of the Malaysian farmers used internet for the purpose of seeking agriculture information while 85% of the farmers get information by using the text messages (Hassan et al., 2010).In India the project has been started for the farmers about application, internet and mail servers this center provides the latest information regarding agriculture to farmers. The network was connected by telephone landline in their areas. In projects around 85 to 92% of the farmers were uneducated and they have no knowledge of computer. Furthermore, to provide internet knowledge farmers’ trainers were appointed to provide trainings farmers. In these circumstances farmers were not feeling any hesitation to obtain information about use of internet and getting the information about pesticides as well as market (Meera et al., 2004).