2.1. Sample collection and processing: Soil
samples were collected from less
anthropogenic activity environments such as
forest soil, river sediments and well soil in
and around Coimbatore region, Tamilnadu,
India. The samples were collected in sterile
containers and transported to laboratory
under controlled conditions. Serial dilution
up to 10-8 dilutions was done for all the soil
samples and 100 μL from each dilution was
spread plated on to Kuster’s agar (Himedia).
The plates were at 37°C for 3 to 7 days. All
the plates were morphologically observed for
the actinomycetes colonies. Suspected
actinomycetes colonies based on the
morphology and colours of pigmentation
including diffusible pigments were purified
and stored in Kuster’s agar plates for further