PA020 Litter must be removed. specification
PA021 Sand urns / ashtrays to be cleaned regularly specification
PA022 Natural scented spray should be used to avoid bad smells like smoke or other odours
PA023 Daily lobby cleaning should be outside of guest traffic hours.
PA024 Vacuuming and floor polishing may not be performed while guest are in the lobby. Use silent push type during
PA025 Carpets to be clean and in good condition and vacuumed regularly.
PA026 Glass windows and mirrors are free of fingerprints and smudges.
PA027 Walls and ceilings are clean and in good condition
PA028 Lights to be working and all fittings to be clean.
PA029 All areas dust free and polished
PA030 Driveway, walkways and hotel entrance to be free of debris, rubbish and stains
PA032 Air ducts and vents to be clean.
PA033 Ceiling access hatches to be clean and free of fingerprints and stains
PA035 All areas smell fresh and clean
PA036 Touch up paint chips or scratches
PA037 Repair wall coverings
PA038 Repair damaged furniture, accessories and floor covering
PA039 Remove dirt and grease spots
PA040 Toilets should be checked regularly – at least every 2 hours, depending on the frequency used. During
restaurant opening hours and Banquet events the frequency needs to be increased.
PA043 Blow dryer if available is working and free of stains
PA046 These areas must be inspected daily, noting deficiencies and specifying actions to remedy them.