The reduced 2θ resolution in the XRD data, which is the consequence of the lower energy resolution of the DMM relative to that of a double crystal monochromator (DCM), proved to be sufficient for the measurements performed in this study. After the energy selection, the 30-keV beam was focused on the paint multilayer fragment by means of an elliptical single-bounce capillary to a spot size of 15μm. A MarCCD area detector (2 k × 2 k, 80 μm pixel size) was positioned behind the sample, acquiring two-dimensional diffraction patterns. Additionally, a silicon drift detector, positioned at 90◦ with respect to the incoming beam, allowed the simultaneous registration of fluorescence spectra, thereby combining XRF tomography (element distributions in a virtual cross section) and XRD tomography (crystallographic phase distributions). Figure 2 summarizes the combined μ-XRF/XRD tomography setup as well as the pattern decomposition method explained earlier.