If we are to assess what is most highly valued, we then must address the second
underlying problem, namely, what do we value and what do we seek as the
goal of education? We cannot talk about assessment until we are clear about our
underlying philosophy of education and our goals for all of our young people.
As long as we continue to approach the role of mathematics in the curriculum
from different perspectives, we will have difficulty agreeing on what students
should know and how they should learn. While we seek clarity of purpose,
we need to keep in mind that our discussions must have genuine consequences
for all students, including those that we do not serve well today. Robert Moses
[2001] has made the case that children who are not quantitatively literate may be
doomed to second-class economic status in our increasingly technological society.
We have compelling evidence that “poor children and children of color are
consistently shortchanged when it comes to mathematics” [Schoenfeld 2002].
Schoenfeld argues that we can serve all children well if we attend to four critical
conditions in our schools
If we are to assess what is most highly valued, we then must address the secondunderlying problem, namely, what do we value and what do we seek as thegoal of education? We cannot talk about assessment until we are clear about ourunderlying philosophy of education and our goals for all of our young people.As long as we continue to approach the role of mathematics in the curriculumfrom different perspectives, we will have difficulty agreeing on what studentsshould know and how they should learn. While we seek clarity of purpose,we need to keep in mind that our discussions must have genuine consequencesfor all students, including those that we do not serve well today. Robert Moses[2001] has made the case that children who are not quantitatively literate may bedoomed to second-class economic status in our increasingly technological society.We have compelling evidence that “poor children and children of color areconsistently shortchanged when it comes to mathematics” [Schoenfeld 2002].Schoenfeld argues that we can serve all children well if we attend to four criticalconditions in our schools
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