Inner personalities development is specific qualities and values belonging to a person that are expressed by the person through her own physical and psychological acts. So accept and respect the decision made by others is important for teams work. Teamwork is more complicated than cooperation among workers. While cooperation is essential to teamwork, it is only partially able to help teams reach their goals. A willingness to cooperate stems from relationships that develop between coworkers or between employees and the employer. Teamwork cannot exist without this relational component, even if the extent of the relationship is minimal. Teamwork does not occur if each person does his own thing separately from his work relationships. Learning teamwork is also about more than just reaching the end goal in some cases. The relationship that exists between members of a team can result in the workers or team members getting to know one another on a deeper level. This relational learning can contribute to future cooperative endeavors as workers learn to understand how each person on the team contributes to the overall process of accomplishing a goal. However, she should be adjust about accept the decision of others. And control emotional should not expression.