There are currently very few regulations on the disposal of E-Waste and they are being allowed to enter our landfills or be burned. We are willingly allowing hazardous substances to leach into our water and air so that we may enjoy a new form of technology. This problem is not going to go away because the global population is growing and the demand for newer and better technology is creating enormous amounts of old and outdated electronics. “In the United States, it is estimated that more than 70 percent of discarded computers and monitors, and well over 80 percent of TVs, eventually end up in landfills” There are better ways to dispose of this E-Waste which include: Buy second hand electronic devices, try to fix it before throwing it away, try to sell so that someone doesn’t buy a new one. Educate the population better so that they fully understand the potential consequences to improper disposal. Many large corporations such as Best Buy or Verison will take back old and unwanted electronic devices. Contact the large retailers before you throw away your electronic devices. Donate to government supported programs. Take advantage of your local community clean sweep. Take it to a place to be properly recycled.