The purpose of this chapter is to provide case studies which include examples and illus-trations of Opportunity-Centred Entrepreneurship in action. These demonstrate different stages, facets and types of entrepreneurial working in three distinctive environ¬ments, each of which has unique characteristics. They also provide more generally applicable ideas which can be used beyond their specific context. These case studies are designed to help you to apply techniques, tools and approaches covered in earlier chapters- They encourage you to use strategic and creative thinking to enable you to analyse the situation and to decide 'how you would act' in each case. Each of the three sections can also be used for teaching purposes, and suggested activities are included for this purpose.
This chapter should enable you to:
-appreciate the application of entrepreneurial working in different contexts
- identify how the concepts, methods and techniques covered in previous chapters can be applied to real situations
- stimulate you to think of the decisions you would make in each case.