1. I can never spend enough time on my mobile phone.
2. I have used my mobile phone to make myself feel better when I was feeling down.
3. I find myself occupied on my mobile phone when I should be doing other things, and it causes problems.
4. All my friends own a mobile phone.
5. I have tried to hide from others how much time I spend on my mobile phone.
6. I lose sleep due to the time I spend on my mobile phone.
7. I have received mobile phone bills I could not afford to pay.
8. When out of range for some time, I become preoccupied with the thought of missing a call.
9. Sometimes, when I am on the mobile phone and I am doing other things, I get carried away with the conversation and I don’t pay attention to what I am doing.
10. The time I spend on the mobile phone has increased over the last 12 months.
11. I have used my mobile phone to talk to others when I was feeling isolated.
12. I have attempted to spend less time on my mobile phone but am unable to.
13. I find it difficult to switch off my mobile phone.
14. I feel anxious if I have not checked for messages or switched on my mobile phone for some time.
15. I have frequent dreams about the mobile phone.
16. My friends and family complain about my use of the mobile phone.
17. If I don’t have a mobile phone, my friends would find it hard to get in touch with me.
18. My productivity has decreased as a direct result of the time I spend on the mobile phone.
19. I have aches and pains that are associated with my mobile phone use.
20. I find myself engaged on the mobile phone for longer periods of time than intended.
21. There are times when I would rather use the mobile phone than deal with other more pressing issues.
22. I am often late for appointments because I’m engaged on the mobile phone when I shouldn’t be.
23. I become irritable if I have to switch off my mobile phone for meetings, dinner engagements, or at the movies.
24. I have been told that I spend too much time on my mobile phone.
25. More than once I have been in trouble because my mobile phone has gone off during a meeting, lecture, or in a theatre.
26. My friends don’t like it when my mobile phone is switched off.
27. I feel lost without my mobile phone.