A first rocket is set off at 8 a.m. to alert the runners that the corral gate is open. A second rocket signals that all six bulls have been released. The third and fourth rockets are signals that all of the herd has entered the bullring and its corral respectively, marking the end of the event.The average duration between the first rocket and the end of the encierro is two minutes, 30 seconds.
The encierro is usually composed of the six bulls to be fought in the afternoon, six steers that run in herd with the bulls, and three more steers that follow the herd to encourage any reluctant bulls to continue along the route. The function of the steers, who run the route daily, is to guide the bulls to the bullring. The average speed of the herd is 24 km/h (15 mph).
The length of the run is 875 meters (957 yards). It goes through four streets of the old part of the city (Santo Domingo, Ayuntamiento, Mercaderes and Estafeta) via the Town Hall Square and the short section "Telefónica" (so named for the mobile phone operator located at the intersection) just before entering into the bullring through its callejón (tunnel). The fastest part of the route is up Santo Domingo and across the Town Hall Square, but the bulls often became separated at the entrance to Estafeta Street as they slowed down. One or more would slip going into the turn at Estafeta ("la curva"), resulting in the installation of anti-slip surfacing, and now most of the bulls negotiate the turn onto Estafeta and are often ahead of the steers. This has resulted in a quicker run. Runners are not permitted in the first 50 meters of the encierro, which is an uphill grade where the bulls are much faster
จรวดที่แรกจะกำหนดออกเวลา 8.00 น.เพื่อแจ้งเตือนรอบชิงชนะเลิศที่ว่าพิชิตประตูเปิด จรวดสองสัญญาณที่ วัวทั้งหมด 6 จะออก จรวดที่สาม และสี่เป็นสัญญาณว่า ทั้งฝูงได้ป้อน bullring และพิชิตความตามลำดับ การทำเครื่องหมายสิ้นสุดของเหตุการณ์ ระยะเวลาเฉลี่ยระหว่างจรวดครั้งแรกและสิ้นสุดของ encierro เป็นสองนาที 30 วินาที Encierro มักจะประกอบด้วยวัวหกจะได้สู้ในตอนบ่าย สำเร็จหกที่ฝูงกับวัวที่ใช้ และสำเร็จเพิ่มเติมสามตามฝูงวัวใด ๆ ไม่ต้องตามกระบวนการส่งเสริม การ การทำงานของสำเร็จ ที่เรียกใช้กระบวนการผลิตประจำวัน จะแนะนำบูลส์ bullring ความเร็วเฉลี่ยของฝูงจะ 24 km/h (15 ความเร็ว) The length of the run is 875 meters (957 yards). It goes through four streets of the old part of the city (Santo Domingo, Ayuntamiento, Mercaderes and Estafeta) via the Town Hall Square and the short section "Telefónica" (so named for the mobile phone operator located at the intersection) just before entering into the bullring through its callejón (tunnel). The fastest part of the route is up Santo Domingo and across the Town Hall Square, but the bulls often became separated at the entrance to Estafeta Street as they slowed down. One or more would slip going into the turn at Estafeta ("la curva"), resulting in the installation of anti-slip surfacing, and now most of the bulls negotiate the turn onto Estafeta and are often ahead of the steers. This has resulted in a quicker run. Runners are not permitted in the first 50 meters of the encierro, which is an uphill grade where the bulls are much faster
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