♦ Once the peritoneum has been entered, a systematic exploration is performed to search for metastases in the peritoneal cavity, including the liver and the preaortic and iliac lymph nodes.
♦ A fixed retractor is placed to retract small bowel superiorly and laterally out of the operative field. Retraction of small bowel is aided by placing the patient in a Trendelenburg position.
♦ Mobilization of the sigmoid colon is achieved by using electrocautery to incise the lateral visceral fascia covering the mesosigmoid along the white line of Toldt, which can be easily visualized by retracting the sigmoid colon medially (Figure 65-3). The left ureter is identified along its course over the left iliac vessels into the pelvis.
♦ The medial visceral fascia is incised with electrocautery, and the right ureter is visualized as it courses over the right iliac vessels (Figure 65-4). The line of proximal resection is also outlined but not carried out until the tumor is able to be fully mobilized.
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