Sam is described in game as diligent, considerate, and adventurous. She seems to be the most level-headed and friendly member of the group and is rarely the cause of drama, even though she can have somewhat of a strong personality. Her highest traits are honest, brave and charitable, while her lowest are funny, romantic and curious.
Sam is a warm and caring individual, and cares deeply about her friends and their feelings, especially Hannah after the prank they pulled on her. She loves animals and nature, and her dream job is to be a conservationist. According to her actress Hayden Panettiere, she is a vegetarian. In addition, she was described as not being afraid to be herself and not be bothered by being made fun of.
She is a pacifist with a disdain for violence and conflict, but will not shy away from fighting in order to save herself or her friends. Highly resourceful and resilient, Sam demonstrates remarkable calmness and decisiveness when under pressure. She is brave and strong-willed and will not let fear take control of her and change her in any way.