Information for a salesperson. Walker Group in Indianapolis has one person dedicated
To daily seeking critical Web information about their clients and comoetitors.
Salespeople have access to a large quantity of current information and shoulduse it to
Gain a competitive edge over their competitors.
Secretaries and receptionists can be a friendly source of information. They can cer
Tainly be used to verify name, title,pronunciation,and correct spelling. Also, noncom
Peting salespeople can help a saesperson fill in information on accounts.
Finally, a salesperson should be gathering information about each of its companies
And buyers. Some companies provide the salesforce with contact for gathering perti
Nent information. Exhibit 5.6 illustrates the types of infortion that can be gathered
In a customer profile.
Determining Other Buyers’ Influencer
As products become more complex, we often see an increase in the number of buying
Influencers and decision makers involved in the purchase. The salesperson
Should attempt to determine the various buying influencers. For example, if a
Salesperson concenrtrates on the purchasing agent in an orgaanization and ignores
Other key player (e.g., department head, data processing) in the decision-making
Process, the salesperson takes the risk that he or she is potentially selling to the
Wrong person.
The salesperson must useobservation and questioning to determine the role of each
member of the buying team and the amonunt of influence each; each member’s
needs should be determined before or during the presentation. Deparment heads may
Customer Profile EXHIBIT 5.6
1. Name of Business
2. Address
3. Phone
4. Name of Buyer(s) Title
5.Source of prospect (i.e., referral,cold call
6.Other Key People
Department Heads
Other Indluencers-Who?
7.What products does the company produce?
8.History and current standing in the industry
9.How many employees?
10.Extent of operations-local,regional,national,international
11.Is buying done by individuals or committee?
12.Done the company buy from single or multiple sources?
Be interested in how the product will benefit their their department,whereas the CFO mayonly care about the price. During group presentations,all the members of the buying party must feel involved. The saleperson must be sure to direct questions and com-ments to all potential decision makers in the group.
IF a salesperson has only one contact (e.g.,purchasing agent) in an organization,he or she runs the risk that the key contact could die,get fired,change jobs,get transferred,or retire.By having contact with many influencers in an organization,the saesperson with always have a number of people who have had previous experiences to pass on to the new purchasing agent or team member. In the first instance, the salesperson must start the entire relationship process again;in the second,the salesperson will have help keeping the relationship in place.
1.Explain strategic prospecting.Strategic prospecting involves the identification of qual-ified potential customers,usually called prospects. When we say a prospect is qualified,it means that the prospect meets or exceeds screening criteria that have been established means that the prospect meets or exceeds screening criteria that have been established by the salesperson or the sales organization. Prospects must meet criteria such as being financially capable of purchase, able to truly benefit from what is being sold,accessible to the salesperson, and in a position to make orsupport a purchase decision.
2.Discuss why prospecting can be a challenging take for a salesperson.Prospective buyers may be difficult to concause they have never heard or a salesperson’s firm and do not want to make the time with a potential new supplier. Buyers are constantly getting calls from saespeople and do not have time to see them all. Gatekeepers have been trained to screen their bosses’ calls and often are not pleasant to salesperson.
3.Explain where saespeople find prospects.A good sales organization and salesper-son will have a number of ongoing prospecting methods in place at and given time.Asking present directories or lists, advertising for interested companies to call or mail in therest, telemarketing, the Web, direct mail,and observation are a few of the techniques that salespeople can use to generate leads.
4.Understand the importance of gathering and studying precall information. Salespeople must gather information about the prospect that will be used to help for-mulate the sales presentation.Buyer’s needs, buyer’s motives, and details about the buyer’s situation should be determined. The more a salesperson Knows about the buyer,thebetter chance he or she will have to meed the buyer’s needs needs and eventually earn the commitment.
Prosecting referral
Leads introduction
Qualifying a lead center of influence
Prosoects noncompeting salesperson
Strategic porspecting plan lists and directories
Tracking system inbound telemarketing
Information for a salesperson. Walker Group in Indianapolis has one person dedicated
To daily seeking critical Web information about their clients and comoetitors.
Salespeople have access to a large quantity of current information and shoulduse it to
Gain a competitive edge over their competitors.
Secretaries and receptionists can be a friendly source of information. They can cer
Tainly be used to verify name, title,pronunciation,and correct spelling. Also, noncom
Peting salespeople can help a saesperson fill in information on accounts.
Finally, a salesperson should be gathering information about each of its companies
And buyers. Some companies provide the salesforce with contact for gathering perti
Nent information. Exhibit 5.6 illustrates the types of infortion that can be gathered
In a customer profile.
Determining Other Buyers’ Influencer
As products become more complex, we often see an increase in the number of buying
Influencers and decision makers involved in the purchase. The salesperson
Should attempt to determine the various buying influencers. For example, if a
Salesperson concenrtrates on the purchasing agent in an orgaanization and ignores
Other key player (e.g., department head, data processing) in the decision-making
Process, the salesperson takes the risk that he or she is potentially selling to the
Wrong person.
The salesperson must useobservation and questioning to determine the role of each
member of the buying team and the amonunt of influence each; each member’s
needs should be determined before or during the presentation. Deparment heads may
Customer Profile EXHIBIT 5.6
1. Name of Business
2. Address
3. Phone
4. Name of Buyer(s) Title
5.Source of prospect (i.e., referral,cold call
6.Other Key People
Department Heads
Other Indluencers-Who?
7.What products does the company produce?
8.History and current standing in the industry
9.How many employees?
10.Extent of operations-local,regional,national,international
11.Is buying done by individuals or committee?
12.Done the company buy from single or multiple sources?
Be interested in how the product will benefit their their department,whereas the CFO mayonly care about the price. During group presentations,all the members of the buying party must feel involved. The saleperson must be sure to direct questions and com-ments to all potential decision makers in the group.
IF a salesperson has only one contact (e.g.,purchasing agent) in an organization,he or she runs the risk that the key contact could die,get fired,change jobs,get transferred,or retire.By having contact with many influencers in an organization,the saesperson with always have a number of people who have had previous experiences to pass on to the new purchasing agent or team member. In the first instance, the salesperson must start the entire relationship process again;in the second,the salesperson will have help keeping the relationship in place.
1.Explain strategic prospecting.Strategic prospecting involves the identification of qual-ified potential customers,usually called prospects. When we say a prospect is qualified,it means that the prospect meets or exceeds screening criteria that have been established means that the prospect meets or exceeds screening criteria that have been established by the salesperson or the sales organization. Prospects must meet criteria such as being financially capable of purchase, able to truly benefit from what is being sold,accessible to the salesperson, and in a position to make orsupport a purchase decision.
2.Discuss why prospecting can be a challenging take for a salesperson.Prospective buyers may be difficult to concause they have never heard or a salesperson’s firm and do not want to make the time with a potential new supplier. Buyers are constantly getting calls from saespeople and do not have time to see them all. Gatekeepers have been trained to screen their bosses’ calls and often are not pleasant to salesperson.
3.Explain where saespeople find prospects.A good sales organization and salesper-son will have a number of ongoing prospecting methods in place at and given time.Asking present directories or lists, advertising for interested companies to call or mail in therest, telemarketing, the Web, direct mail,and observation are a few of the techniques that salespeople can use to generate leads.
4.Understand the importance of gathering and studying precall information. Salespeople must gather information about the prospect that will be used to help for-mulate the sales presentation.Buyer’s needs, buyer’s motives, and details about the buyer’s situation should be determined. The more a salesperson Knows about the buyer,thebetter chance he or she will have to meed the buyer’s needs needs and eventually earn the commitment.
Prosecting referral
Leads introduction
Qualifying a lead center of influence
Prosoects noncompeting salesperson
Strategic porspecting plan lists and directories
Tracking system inbound telemarketing
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