-Pingkerton has been married to Cio-Cio-san or Madame Butterfly.
-Young girl extremely honest people committed to being married to a lifetime commitment, and the two have a son, I have to return the gold and Pingkerton and he goes for a period of more than three years.
-When coming back to Japan, he also gave his new wife to the Ket to Madame Butterfly, except the son,
Madame Butterfly-the very fact
Madame Butterfly-Ket to tell her husband to let come back to pick up their children in a half hour.
-Madame Butterfly uses her child and bonded the eyes send dolls with the American flag, before it picks up the knife that was a Samurai honour-loving father, which is used to make out atwinibatkam read the inscriptions.
"Death with honour is better than life with dishonour!" and then use a knife to the throat of themselves die.