At the end of my first day, I log into my Amazon account. I'd left my mum's house outside Cardiff at 6.45am and got in at 7.30pm and I want some Compeed blister plasters for my toes and I can't do it before work and I can't do it after work. My finger hovers over the "add to basket" option but, instead, I look at my Amazon history. I made my first purchase, The Rough Guide to Italy, in February 2000 and remember that I'd bought it for an article I wrote on booking a holiday on the internet. It's so quaint reading it now. It's from the age before broadband (I itemise my phone bill for the day and it cost me £25.10), when Google was in its infancy. It's littered with the names of defunct websites (remember Sir Bob Geldof's, anyone?). It was a frustrating task and of pretty much everything I ordered, only the book turned up on time, as requested.